Exam Proctoring

We’re available to proctor exams for online courses. For more info give us a call at 317 745 2604, or send us an email at adultservices@dplindiana.org , or you can ask at the Adult Services desk.

Library staff is available to proctor exams, provided that a minimum of 24-hours advance notice from institution/instructor is given, and that the exam will begin and end during the library’s regular hours of operation. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the means of effective communication between the proctor and the instructor, and the library cannot be held responsible for technological incompatibilities and errors.

The fee is $50 per professional and college-level exam, and $25 per high school-level exam. If the proctor is required to take the completed exam to the post office or any other courier service, there will be a $10 handling fee in addition to the actual cost of postage.

All fees, including any outstanding fines or fees the student may owe the library, must be paid before the exam is scheduled. (Danville-Center Township Public Library does not accept credit or debit cards.) The library reserves the right to refuse proctoring services to any person for any reason at any given time.